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Mattox Law Firm Tallahassee, Florida

Learn How We Can Help – Call 888-826-4069

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Where To Turn When You’ve Been Wronged

Trusted legal guidance for victims of discrimination and police misconduct, injured parties and those who face criminal charges.

Marie A. Mattox

Employment Law

Police Misconduct/Civil Rights

Personal Injury

Our Office

Committed To Protecting Your Rights

We have rights as workers, citizens, parents, and when we have been accused of crimes. The attorneys at the law firm of Marie A. Mattox, P.A., represents individuals throughout Florida and Georgia — not businesses or governments — when those rights have been violated or need to be protected.

  • We advocate for victims of workplace discrimination and police misconduct.
  • We represent injured parties in personal injury claims.

Legal Strategies Tailored To Meet Your Needs

Legal cases may have similarities, but are rarely exactly alike. We will review your matter carefully and develop a strategy that is designed to achieve your unique objectives. We take great pride in providing the type of personal attention that larger law firms struggle to match.

We always keep our clients informed on the status of their case, we make sure they fully understand their options, and we include them in the critical decisions that will affect their future.

Often, we resolve cases without the need to litigate. However, if a fair resolution cannot be reached through negotiation, we always stand ready to go to court for our clients when it makes sense. Our reputation for not accepting less than our clients deserve allows us to negotiate from a position of strength.

Scales of Justice

We Are Your Voice In Pursuit Of Justice

The Initial Consultation Is On Us

The first step is to meet and review the facts of your case. Timely actions are important in many legal matters, so it is imperative that you schedule a free consultation as soon as possible. Call 888-826-4069 to schedule a free consultation.

Many of our civil cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, which means we only collect an attorney fee if we obtain a recovery for you.

A Staunch Protector Of Civil Rights

We represent people harmed by police misconduct, unjust treatment in jail and abuse of power or denial of constitutional rights.

Our Attorneys